CNTS 2021 Benchrest

My second competition in France this year. This time at the new shooting range CNTS. This range is 2,5+/- hour drive south of Paris. Long drive, but if you want to compete, you have to travel.

Hotel in Köln

Big piggy
Large area that hold all kind of shooting in France. Norway have a big job to do…
Great space between benches.
Training shots day before competition.

Competition starts wednesday with LV100 before lunch, and HV100 after lunch. Dinner across the street for my hotel.

It was great to see old friends again. 44 shooters from France, Spain, Austria, Germany, Netherlands, Belgia, Italia, Luxembourg and Norway.
Tricky wind. You got to pay attention.
Results service was great. Flat screen at loading area and at firing range.

First time I sent live on Facebook in a match. HV100-M4

On my way true Denmark I passed Østjyske Våbenhandel, and since I had a few hours left I made a visit.

This was my last competition in 2021. We see each other again in 2022.

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